Dojo Rules
Bow when entering and leaving the dojo, facing into the dojo
Bow when entering and leaving the training floor, facing into the training area
Bow to partner before and after training
Bow before and after each kata
Bow whenever bowed to or asked to
Paying Attention
No talking during class (exceptions for asking questions after Yame is called, or for some partner work)
Kiai with spirit when taking stance for the first time, and at the end of each set / combination
Respond with spirit (Osu, Hai) when asked if ready
If you arrive early, help with setup and cleaning
No horseplay in the dojo
Dogi should be clean with minimal wrinkles
Obi should be properly tied (ask a senior belt for help if needed)
Remove shoes promptly after entering dojo
Remove all jewelry (if cannot be removed, cover with sports tape)
Make sure nails are neatly trimmed
Hair tied back out of face
When free sparring or semi-free sparring, glasses must be impact resistant and secured with a strap.
Students must ask permission to leave the floor/mats
Students must wait at the edge of the floor/mats to be invited back on by the instructor.
When performing kata in group, the junior belt has the right-of-way.
Dojo Terms
General Terms
Dojo - School
Dojo Kun - School rules
Niju Kun - 20 rules/principals
Rei - Bow
Osu - I Acknowledge you
Hai - Yes
Sensei - Instructor
Senpai Assistant/senior student
Uki - Partner
Shomen - Front
Kime - Focus
Kiai - Short, forceful burst of sound
Waza - Technique
Kihon - Basics
Kumite - Sparring
Kata - Forms
Bunkai - Application of forms
Katame - Grappling
Hidari - Left
Migi - Right
Dogi / Gi - Uniform
Obi - Belt
Aka - Red
Shiro - White
Kuro - Black
Kyu - Colour belt level (10-1)
Dan - Black belt level (1-10)
Numbering 1 to 10
1 - Ichi
2 - Ni
3 - San
4 - Shi
5 - Go
6 - Roku
7 - Sichi
8 - Hachi
9 - Ku
10 - Ju
Bow in/out commands
Seiza - Kneel
Mokuso - Meditate
Mokuso Yame - Stop meditation
Shomen ni rei - Bow to front
Sensei ni rei - Bow to instructor
Sempai ni rei - Bow to assistant
Otagai ni rei - Bow to each other
Tate - Stand / Vertical
General commands
Yoi - Ready
Shizentai - Ready stance
Hajime - Begin
Yame - Stop
Naore - Recover/relax
Mawatte - Turn
The Body
Te - Hand
Ken - Knuckle
Seiken - Fist
Kentsui/Tettsui - Hammer Fist
Uraken - Back of fist
Teisho - Palm Heel
Shuto - Knife edge of the hand
Haito - Inside Ridge of the hand
Haishu - Back of open hand
Nukite - Spear Hand
Enpi (Empi) - Elbow
Koshi - Hip
Hiza - Knee
Ashi - Leg / Foot
Ensho - Heel
Koshi - Ball of the foot
Haisoku - Instep / Top of the foot
Sokuto - Knife Edge of the foot
Technique terms
Zuki / Tsuki - Punch
Uchi - Strike
Geri / Keri - Kick
Uke - Block / Receive
Barai - Sweep
Osae - Press / Wedge
Kamae - Posture / Position
Dachi - Stance
Hikite - Pull back
Jodan - Upper / Face Level
Chudan - Middle / Chest Level
Gedan - Lower / Groin Level
Mae - Front
Yoko - Side
Ushiro - Back
Age - Rising
Otoshi - Dropping
Uchi - Inside
Soto - Outside
Kaegi - Snap
Kekomi - Thrust
Mawashi - Roundhouse